Geothermal System
Geothermal heating and cooling in the form of a GHP (Geothermal Heat Pump) is the newest technology. Geothermal heat pumps take advantage of the constant temperature several feet underground with water pipes running from a heat pump above ground to several feet below ground where it is cooler. A GHP is more energy efficient than other systems can can save 30%-70% on home heating or 20%-50% on home cooling according to the EPA, but are 50-100% more expensive to install. With an annual energy savings of $350-$1,500, it can be many years before the additional expense of purchase and installation is recouped. Ask us how much experience they have with GHP systems and how much in annual energy savings has been experienced by their customers in your area and climate.Carrier's popular GT-PX series is our highest rated geothermal unit, featuringPuron® refrigerant; a two-stage compressor for efficiency; variable speed blower for comfort; tin plated coil; microprocessor control; and a robust, insulated cabinet for quiet operation. Available in vertical top flow, vertical bottom flow and horizontal flow, all with optional hot-water generator. In sizes from 2 through 6 tons.
Why Choose Geothermal?
Geothermal Systems provide homeowners with a wide range of benefits.
● Savings: Generally, no other heating and coolingsystem offers lower operating costs, with savingsup to 60% compared to ordinary systems.
● Comfort: These systems provide even temperaturesthroughout the home year round, with excellentdehumidification during cooling.
● Environmentally Sound: Geothermal is a clean,green, and renewable technology to reduce yourcarbon footprint now and for future generations.
● Reliable: Geothermal units last longer than ordinaryair conditioners and heat pumps. Since the unitscontain few moving parts, they operate for yearswith little maintenance.
● Quiet Operation: Unlike ordinary air conditionersand heat pumps, no outdoor unit is required. Carriergeothermal units use heavy-duty, fully-insulatedcabinets for quiet operation. Quiet, soft startingvariable speed blowers are used in many models.
● Flexibility: Heating, cooling and supplemental waterheating from a single unit. And a wide variety ofmodels and options to fit most any application.
● Free Hot Water: During unit operation, freeexcess heat is used to supplement the home'swater heater.● Energy Independence: Geothermal systemsreduce our need to import fuel.
● Safe and Clean: No flame, no flue, no odors
Q: How efficient are geothermal heat pump systems?
A: Actual efficiencies will depend on a number offactors, but generally speaking a geothermal heatpump can be three to five times more efficient atproviding heat than a gas, propane or oil furnacebased on the amount of energy consumed toprovide a given amount of heat. For cooling, ageothermal system is generally 30-50% moreefficient than an air conditioner or heat pump.
Q: Why are geothermal heat pumps so efficient?
A: Geothermal heat pumps use the groundtemperatures as a “source” for heat energy duringheating, and use the ground as a heat “sink” duringcooling. The earth acts as a giant, free energybattery, providing an endless, renewable source forheating and cooling comfort. Standard heat pumpsuse outdoor air for heating and cooling. Because theground temperature is much more moderate andstable than air temperatures, geothermal systemoperation is much more energy-efficient, especiallyat extreme outdoor temperatures.
Q: Are these systems reliable?
A: Yes. Geothermal units are not subject to someof the same forces that cause wear and tear onother types of systems. And earth loops areinstalled using a special grade of polyethylenepipe with heat-fused fittings designed to last50 years or more.Q: What kind of underground loop system is best?A: It depends on several factors. Homes on larger lotsusually have horizontal loops installed. Smaller lotsmay require a vertical loop. A nearby pond can alsobe used. If you have a well water system, that maybe an option. Your Carrier dealer is trained todetermine which loop design is most appropriate foryour home. Regardless of the loop system selected,the operating costs are all about the same.
Q: How much space is needed for a closed loopsystem?
A: The smallest closed loop design, the vertical loop,may require a space of only 15x15 feet, or a line of3x45 feet, located at least 10 feet away from thehome, and 10 feet from property lines. Horizontalloops require considerably more space.
Q: How is the unit size and loop design determined?
A: Carrier dealers use GeoDesigner software todetermine the most appropriate sized unit and loopfor your home. The software takes many factors intoconsideration including: the heating and coolingrequirements of the home, loop type, depth, soilconditions, earth temperatures, outdoor airtemperature extremes, local fuel rates and muchmore. In addition, the software can demonstrateenergy costs for a Carrier geothermal system vs.another type of heating and cooling system.
Q: Will the fluid in the loops freeze during a long,cold winter?
A: No. Antifreeze in the loop fluid eliminates anyconcerns about freezing.
Q: Can a well be used instead of an earth loop?
A: Yes. Prior to using a well for a geothermalinstallation, the water quality should be checked.Sufficient water volume is needed for the unit,usually about four to nine gallons per minute duringunit operation. A discharge location like a pond ordrainage ditch is also required.
Q: How big does a pond have to be for use with ageothermal system?
A: For most installations, the pond should have asurface area of at least a half acre and a depthof 10 feet. Bigger is better.
Q: What is the actual efficiency of a geothermalsystem and how does it compare to a furnace,air conditioner or heat pump?
A: The efficiency of a geothermal system is rated by anindustry standard known as ARI/ISO 13256-1, thatspecifies a set of conditions by which efficiency isdetermined. The rating for heating is Coefficient ofPerformance (COP). It's a ratio of the amount ofenergy used to operate the unit compared to theamount of energy output. Carrier's highest efficiencygeothermal units have a COP in excess of 4.5 (that's450% efficient), compared to the highest efficiencygas furnace with a COP of 0.95 (95% efficient AFUE)or a high-efficiency heat pump with an averageseasonal COP around 1.8. The rating for cooling iscalled Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER). It's calculatedby dividing BTUs per hour output into the wattsused. Carrier's highest efficiency geothermal unitshave EERs around 18-27. That's about 30-50% betterthan many air conditioners and heat pumps. Butbecause geothermal units are not rated accordingto the same industry standard as furnaces, airconditioners, and heat pumps, it is difficult tocompare, for example, an AFUE and HSPF to COP,or SEER to EER. To get the full energy efficiencystory, compare the dollars. Your Carrier dealer cancalculate operating cost estimates using Carrier'sGeoDesigner software.
Q: Is comfort compromised to get all this efficiency?
A: No. In fact, geothermal systems can provideexceptional comfort without the “cold blow” from anair source heat pump during heating; or short, hotblasts of air associated with standard efficiencygas furnaces. Geothermal units deliver air attemperatures that provide comfort throughout thehouse. The Carrier dual capacity units with variablespeed fans precisely match the needs of the hometo deliver comfort no matter what the outdoor airtemperature is.