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Aeroseal was developed by scientists to address the critical energy-waste issues that result from leaky air ducts. It’s estimated that 60% to 80% of U.S. homes and buildings suffer significant energy loss due to leaky air ducts. Information from the U.S. Department of Energy’s WEBSITE states that Aeroseal can save Americans $5 billion a year on saved energy costs.
Aeroseal technology has won a number of other prestigious awards including the Energy 100 award from the Energy Department and The Best of What's New award from Popular Science Magazine.Besides sealing ducts in thousands of residences, Aeroseal has been used successfully in commercial buildings across the country. Most notably, it has reduced energy use in HVAC-intensive buildings such as the Cleveland MetroHealth Hospital, university residential buildings in Buffalo, New York and Boston, and casinos and a city center complex in Las Vegas.
Aeroseal Duct Sealing Key to $37,000 Annual Energy Savings for New Jersey High Rise Apartment Building
Energy Auditors Specify Duct Sealing Technology to Help Low-Income Housing Complex Qualify For State’s Weatherization Assistance Program
In 2000, The Department of Energy and its Citizen Judges selected the 100 best scientific and technological accomplishments to come out of the 23 years of DOE’s existence. The citizen judges narrowed down the field to the 23 technologies that have the largest potential to save consumers money and improve their quality of life. Aeroseal’s duct sealing technology was selected to receive both awards.
Nov. 18, 2011: Aeroseal Named a 2011 Best New Home Product by This Old House Magazine
A new process available now can seal your ductwork. The process is called AERO-SEAL. This process was designed at UC Berkley its goal is to eliminate the air that leaks from your ductwork behind the drywall and plaster. When completed your home will be more evenly tempered and your energy bills will be less. But it also improves your indoor air quality. By sealing the leaks, dust and dirt that can be sucked through the return line is also reduced. You can find more information at